Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pool Floating

by Sheila
Cathy, Edie and Heather in Ginny's pool

Here in the desert,we have a favorite summer pastime;  floating in the pool.  This is not to be confused with a family pool party where the youngest swimmers strut their stuff with a "Watch me, Nana!" or a rousing game of pool volleyball where the competition gets pretty stiff.  It is not laying by the pool with a stack of magazines working on your tan (please forgive us dermatologists).  It is a fun afternoon full of lively discussion where everyone's opinion is welcome, and we do our best to solve problems and celebrate victories in each other's lives and the world at large. 

Ginny & Ann relaxing poolside
"Floating" is a girls-only activity; guys are allowed to serve us pool drinks and bring extra snacks, but that's about it.  As you might have guessed, floating devices are welcome, so we bring an assortment of rafts, noodles, and sit-in pool chairs.  Food and drink are a basic requirement, and for us that undoubtedly means some wine.  Everyone brings a snack and beverage to share, and the fun is on.  Some snacks are specifically requested, such as Edie's caramel corn - it's delicious.  We always end up with a tasty smorgasbord to keep us going all day.

The snacks...
Sadie - she's a girl, so she's allowed too :-)

Sometimes we plan these events weeks in advance.  For example, our book club group plans two floats per summer.  This lets us get caught up on everyone's vacations and helps us stay connected without the pressure of a formal book discussion and the hostess putting together an elaborate spread. Other times it's a phone conversation with a friend that ends with "what are you doing tomorrow?  Let's float!".  Either way, it's a great way to beat the heat and have some bonding time with your girlfriends.  So if you have wondered how we tolerate these really hot summer days in Arizona, this is one of our coping mechanisms.  Not so bad after all, huh?
My Granddaughters - Future Floaters strutting their stuff!


  1. Isn't that the p-e-r-f-e-c-t way to spend the day? I'd love to join you ladies next time and will bring another bottle with me ;-)
    Love your granddaughters, they are most adorable!

    Hugs from Germany,
    Annette | Lady of Style
