Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Retirement Watch

by Heather

Traditionally, in most industries, when one retires after years of service, that person is given a retirement watch (although how that got started, I don't know --- why would you need a watch once you're retired?).

 Nordstrom's orange and cream color-blocked sweater; Chico's tan crops; Nordstrom's gold and cream striped tank

In education, that doesn't usually happen.
Any money given to a school or district almost always has the stipulation that the money can only be used for the children, which is probably how it should be.
However, that means when an educator retires, he/she doesn't expect anything other than a pat on the back.

 Chico's gold and orange bangle; Alexis Bittar cream, orange, and gold bangles; Michael Kors watch and purse; Juicy Couture gold and orange bracelet; BCBG gold and orange ring

But, when you have dear friends such as I have, that's just not enough in their book.
As my time as an educator came to an end in May, the FACS (Family and Consumer Science -- formerly Home Ec) teachers in my district held a tea for me.
It was an unexpected honor that almost moved me to tears
(not quite, though, since I'm really looking forward to retirement!).

 Vince Camuto orange, tan, white, and gold sandals (Macy's)

Technically, I retired years ago from my job as a high school principal but returned to work as a high school teacher. I wasn't ready to stay home,  but didn't want the  24/7 hours of being a high school administrator. This time I really am retiring and making a commitment to myself not to work full-time anymore, anywhere.
Diana O., a long-time friend,  colleague, and co-coach with me of the cheer team back in our younger days (what were we thinking??), along with two of my former bosses, Chris E. and Sara H., hosted the most beautiful tea last month at Diana's lovely home. The wonderful ladies who attended (all current or former FACS teachers) chipped in toward a most generous gift card and other thoughtful presents and cards.
Co-bloggers Ann and Sheila were also there as great friends and former FACS teachers. 

Juicy Couture gold necklace and gold/orange necklace

Now, back to that gift card.
You know that I couldn't let that sit in my pocket too long --
it was burning a hole.
What to spend it on that would bring me
happy memories of those ladies and my time spent in education?
A watch, of course.
And the perfect watch just happened to show up on Pinterest -- an orange (my favorite color) and gold Michael Kors. I tracked it down and then, magically, it appeared on my doorstep several days later.  I've been wearing it like a badge of honor for the past several weeks.

Michael Kors orange and gold watch (Macy's)

I still have money left over (I told you they were generous!) and I'm waiting for inspiration.
Clothing, jewelry, chrome for my motorcycle? Decisions, decisions...
What does a retired lady need?
I have everything already that's most important:
great friends, wonderful family members, good health, and a husband with whom I want to grow old (and a gift card still burning a hole in my pocket).



  1. Your orange collection has me "green" with envy! The Kors watch is a perfect mate. Congratulations on your retirement!

    1. Thank you, Anne. Retirement should be interesting. I'm into my second week of it starting tomorrow :)

  2. Well Heather, my post on 'pops' of orange is just that 'pops of'. You, my dear lady have definitely covered the color orange from head to toe and did it just beautifully. You never leave out a detail. Best regards towards retirement, I seem to think you will have no problem with this new role.

    1. Trina, I think I was leaving a comment on your post while you were writing on mine! We're both of the same mind when it comes to orange this week! I love how you paired it with navy!

  3. A vacation! ;) The tea party must have been an emotional one and I am sure the school will be missing you. The watch is a perfect addition to your orange accessories clan :)

    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

    1. A permanent vacation, Mrs. C! Can't quite get my head wrapped around that; still feels just like summer break. Maybe in August, when everyone is heading back, it will feel like retirement?

  4. Yummy, more orange! Some lovely touches here. The watch, definitely!

  5. Congratulations! And your choice of the watch is brilliant - it is a classic in a stand-out color. You look wonderful. Thanks for linking up to Visible Monday. xoxo

    1. Thanks, Patti. You looked adorable in your black and white polka dots!

  6. Love your outfit! I host a linky party on Tuesday called The Gathering Spot and would love it if link up sometime :) Thanks for joining us this week at the Let's Get Social Sunday. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you. I will definitely link with you tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  7. Hi Heather!
    How nice a tea! Retirement parties are becoming something of the past....
    Love the orange--you look smashing! xoxo Paula

    1. Thank you, Paula. Are retirement parties becoming a thing of the past because nobody is retiring?? I hope everyone out there who is retiring has a party to celebrate! It really was special.

  8. Loved all your orange items .. especially the shoes!! Happy retirement to you .. how lovely that your colleagues gave you a tea party :-)


    1. Thank you, Monica. The tea was very special and it made me appreciate my friends all the more for going out of their way to do it.

  9. Congratulations on your retirement! I retired from teaching 3 years ago. It took me a full year to get used to the absence of a school calendar and school day schedule :) You will love being retired - there are so many fun things to do!

    1. Thank you, Susan. It's so nice to hear from other retired educators! What are you doing for fun? What did you do first? I'm spending my first couple of weeks cleaning and organizing. Hope that part ends soon :)

  10. After I retired as a teacher I got rid of my daytimer calender.. Now it is nice to sit in front of the TV Sunday night and not have to do lesson plans etc for the week. Remember those??? Ha now I can find time to do a lot of the stuff I used to dream about. Hope you do this too. People never understand all of the stuff one does as a teacher and administrator..
    I took an embroidery sewing machine class and what did I end up doing helping other members of the class use their own computers Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. None of the other ladies were that computer-savy. I never realized how much I had learned as a teacher. The lady teaching the class emailed me and suggested that I teach a class for her.... she didn't know my former career I told her "NO thank" been there done that.
    Love all of the orange such a happy color and fabulous on you!

    1. Thank you, Adrienne. My calendar book expires after this month and I haven't bought a new one. Perhaps I won't need one?? I think you're definitely right about people not understanding all that an educator does. We hired a new teacher last year who came straight from the culinary industry. She didn't last; her final words were "I could do Top Chef with my eyes closed but this teaching gig is so much harder than it looks!"
      That's too funny about "teaching" the other ladies in your sewing class -- once a teacher, always a teacher.

  11. Hi, found you on the Monday Mingle blog hop. I am a retired school librarian. Now, I blog and dabble in creative writing.

    Here is a link to my blog:

    I loved teaching and working in schools. I miss it, but I am having fun blogging and meeting people virtually. Hope you will follow me back and check out my blog. In April, I blogged about poetry.

    Don't be surprised if I comment in other areas on your blog. Plan to visit for awhile. ;)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Mary! Stay as long as you like :)
      I'm wondering what it is I will miss about teaching -- the students, the planning, not the grading...? Maybe I'll devote more time to blogging. I'm sure it will be an adventure!

  12. I love seeing you in orange, Heather, it is your colour!

    Sounds like a fabulous retirement party! Enjoy your retirement and I think you will still be very active.

    Hugs from Germany,
    Lady of Style

    1. Thanks for visiting, Annette. I love to hear what you're up to in Germany. Always look forward to your posts!

  13. Wow! Now that's the way to accessorize with pops of orange! love the M Kors watch :)

  14. Change can be grand! You have so many talents, you'll never be bored.
    Love it all, but those shoes are just IT! Love 'um! You need an orange fan to use as you recline in your hammock as your huz peels you a grape!

    1. Thanks, Jan. I'm going to be on the lookout for fans -- just think, an accessory that I've never thought of before reading your post today! I'll get the hubby working on the grapes -- another great idea.

  15. That orange shade looks so pretty on you.

  16. Heather, I just love your blog!!! I love the outfits you put together (I may have copied a couple!! LOL) but I can't help wondering .....when you wear bangles with your watch do they scratch the face?? I love the look but thought they may do a little damage to the watch? Like you, orange is my new favourite colour.

    1. Hi Suzy, I stopped over at your blog (in Australia!!) to answer, but I'll answer here, too, in case anyone else is wondering. I've had good luck with no scratches appearing on any watches and I regularly pair bangles with them.
      It was so nice to read on your latest post that you're going into winter down under. Cool temps sound pleasant when it's 105 here today.

  17. I too like orange colour, it adds just enough brightness to any outfit. Love your new watch and other accessories too. You seem to be a cheerful lady and I am sure you will enjoy your retirement.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Olga. So far, so good on the retirement thing! I'm getting closets and cupboards cleaned out and organized, then on to the garage which should take about the next two years :(

  18. Heather, you are a very pretty lady, but orange lipstick is not a good idea. I love orange, but not orange lips.

    1. Well, thanks for the "pretty" comment, but I'm gonna pass on your "orange lips" comment. At my age, I pretty much do what I like to do and not what other people think I should do. That's the beauty of being over 60!

  19. Congratulations! Retirement is an accomplishment! I am so glad you have so many sweet people in your life. My mom is a retired educator but she still goes in to the school(s) when called upon for various assignments. I think she loves being around so many people.

    I love what you got with your gift cards...everything is so pretty together!



    1. Thank you, Karen. People have asked me if I'm going to go back for various jobs or volunteering but I don't think I will --at least not at the high school level. What I'd like to do someday is teach reading to adults or help women find jobs.

  20. I love the orange tones on you and how you coordinated everything down to the accessories. Enjoy your new watch! Congratulations on your retirement! Thanks for linking up with us...can you please just add a link to my blog to the post?

    The Tiny Heart
    PayPal Giveaway!

  21. Thank you, Sharon. I've tried adding the link back to other posts but haven't figured out how to do it. Any pointers would be appreciated!

  22. How sweet of them! Happy retirement--my mother-in-law just retired from being a vice principal :)

    To add a link just grab the badge HTML code (you'll find mine on the right of my blog) and copy/paste it into the "html" part of your blog post--when you write you are in compose, just toggle to html and back again!

    ✰Transatlantic Blonde✰

    1. Thank you, Melaina. Now for my questions: when you say "grab," what does that mean? Does it just mean to find it and copy? What do you mean by the "html" part of our blog post? I'll go back to a post I'm in the middle of composing and see if this makes sense. See why I'm having problems?
      Tell your MIL congrats from me! The vice principals usually do the toughest jobs at a school. She's deserves retirement!

  23. Accessorizing perfection! Love the orange! Thanks so much for linking up with us :) Now following!
    xo Bethany

    1. Thank you, Bethany, and welcome! Glad you're going to be following us.
