Sunday, June 30, 2013

Liberty Bell - July 4th Fashion, Friendship, and Fun

by Heather

When I retired about a month ago now, I knew my life would change, but I wasn't sure in what way. My plan was to spend some time ruminating on the direction my life would take when it wasn't being scripted by outside forces (i.e., a job). I'm a believer in fate -- good or bad -- and I believe fate had a hand in what was coming next.
Chico's denim jacket (old), TeamDiva hat, WHBM earrings
I was exploring getting a pet to keep me company now that I'm home more than I'm gone. We've had cats up until the last couple of years and have always considered ourselves cat people. I love the independence of a cat and never worried about working long hours when they were home alone. Hubby is allergic to them, however, and we decided when the last one died from old age, that we would not longer have cats as pets. I tried pet rats and honestly, they were much smarter, more personable, and cleaner than I would have guessed but their life span is short, so for the last year, we've had no animals in our house. In the back of my mind, I've thought about getting a dog. I've always loved the Wheaten breed and they're considered hypo allergenic. I did some Internet research on getting one (either through rescue or breeder), but it seemed way too complicated and lengthy a process.

Anyway...when a thought is put out into the universe, fate has a way of making things happen.

Enter my sister-in-law, Marianne, a devoted dog lover. She's always had dogs and currently has a Bernese Mountain dog and a Jack Russell terrier. The Jack Russell was enrolled in agility training and the training was being handled by some of the people who run the local Giant Schnauzer Rescue Group. When the Giant Schnauzer Rescue Group was given a neglected Wheaten a couple of weeks ago, one of their people sent out an email blast to see if there was any interest before turning the dog over to the Wheaten Rescue group. Marianne forwarded the email to me and the rest is history. After filling out the application and a home visit from a GSRG representative, we were the lucky recipients of the most beautiful, sweetest, 18 month old female Wheaten I've ever met. Her name was Bella but we've changed it to Liberty Bell (Libby for short), a name that my brother Scott (M's husband) came up with. How perfect a name for a little dog who was liberated from a neglectful home the week before our country's Independence Day!
The new love of our lives: Liberty Bell
Since her arrival, our lives have changed. My day starts before five (must get Libby out for a walk before the sidewalks heat up -- we're enduring a heat wave of 117-119 degrees F here) and includes playing games of fetch and tug-of-war with her two favorite toys (a long faux fur rabbit squeaky toy and knotted rope toy), combing and brushing her long hair, and getting her signed up for baths and grooming sessions, training classes (more for us than her, I think), and play dates with children or other dogs. I've put my trip to Oregon on hold (it's too hard to leave Libby when she's been here such a short time) and haven't spent any time doing any of the organizing projects that are on my to-do list.  Hubby gets greeted by a very enthusiastic, tail-wagging, face-kissing female dog (you know the word I wanted to use here, but didn't) every time he comes home from work -- not that I wasn't enthusiastic about greeting him, too, but with Libby, it's pure untethered, unbounded, unconditional love.

The perfect jacket for patriotic events
Swarovski crystals make up the United States flag
Free People flag tank; navy Target cami  (have to admit I've worn the tank without a cami underneath, but didn't want that image captured for eternity on the Internet!
Target wedges; Michael Kors purse; WHBM bracelet; Chico's bracelet
Hard to catch her standing still...
A few minutes of rest and then off to see the granddaughter
Of course, even Liberty Bell is accessorized for the  July 4th holiday!
Wishing you a wonderful week and a glorious 4th of July!



  1. Doggie!!!! So cute!!!
    I love the star spangled banner hat! I wish I had found one of those in my recent travels in the US!

    1. Hello Mrs. D -- If you'd like a hat like that, try TeamDiva's website. Diva Amy, the owner, is one fabulous lady who makes incredible hats. And you should see her motorcycle!! The most blinged-out bike ever! She's become a friend over the years I've been buying hats from her.

  2. You look fab for the 4th. Dogs have a way of changing your life. They bring so much joy and love into a family. I don't know what I would do without mine.

    1. Hi Marla,
      I can already see how much she's changed our lives (for the better, I might add). I miss her if I'm gone too long but she's become a real daddy's girl and is just as happy with hubby as she is with me (and I'm the one who feeds her!).

  3. Now that is a HAT! Fabulous look, thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

    1. Thanks, Patti. Always fun to link up with your party. You throw the best party every week!

  4. What a fun patriotic look!

    Have a great week!


  5. Aw, I love a happy doggie ending!!


    1. Me too, Monica! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I just want to jump through the computer and give Libby a big hug. What a great friend you inherited, she is one lucky dog! Can I also jump through the computer and grab that striking hat right off your cute little head. Seriousl the best hat I have seen in a long time.
    Have a wonderful 4th!
    Hopefully we'll be hearing a lot from Libby in your posts.

    1. She's one seriously cute dog! And her behaviors are equally cute. I pretty much had to crop her out of every picture you see here or she would have been in all of them. She's a camera hog! So, I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot about her in my posts. I have a feeling she's going to be a big part of my world.

  7. I'm nutsey-happy for all three of you! Beautiful girls, both of you. So happy you gave a forever home to a rescue. Perfect.
    You look beautiful ... but I'm guessing you won't be wearing that jacket out of doors much in the hideous heat. Stay cool, everyone.

    1. Thank you, Jan. And you're right -- I won't be wearing that jacket anytime soon here in Scottsdale. Way too hot still!

  8. I love the universe!! How fantastic for you Heather! ( on a side note...I have a Berner too! )


    1. We'll have to set up a play date for the two Berners. They're such beautiful dogs. My nephew has one, too, and I think he's bigger than everyone in their family. I took Libby to my brother's house today (while I was at jury duty) and the Bernese and Libby don't get along yet. Both are females, if that has anything to do with it. Libby had a great time dominating the much smaller male Jack Russell, though :)

  9. Now those are ALL some showstopping pieces!! Our Trend Spin Linkup is now live and the trend theme this week is Red, White & Blue, so this outfit would be perfect. Come linkup here now!


    The Fashion Canvas

    1. Thank you, Erin. I'll fit right in with your Red, White and Blue party.

  10. Congrats on the doggy!
    Happy 4th!


  11. I am in love with your patriotic outfit. I love bling, so that hat is especially catching my attention. The shoes were a great choice - complement without fighting with the outfit.

    Congratulations on your new love (Liberty Bell)! She is beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you, Marci. There's always room for bling on a 4th of July outfit, right?

  12. I love your hat! Stopping by to say hi and thank you for linking up with THE Collective Social Hop. Have a fabulous day!


    1. Thanks, Janise. Always happy to link up with your Collective Social Hop!

  13. I really love to where my "cowboysummerhat" and my us-flagg scarf. Im from Bavaria/Muich. Is that curious in your eyes?
    But I wear my
    Have a good time
    Have a good time


    1. Hi Sunny from Bavaria,
      I spent three weeks in Bavaria (Regensburg) in the late 1990s and really enjoyed the area. So beautiful and picturesque! Thanks for visiting us and leaving a message. I appreciate that!

  14. What a cute outfit! Love the hat! Love Liberty Bell! She is so lucky to have such a good family to love her...our four legged "children" bring such joy to a family and a lot of life! Congrats on her arrival and happy fourth of July! Ana

  15. Thank you, Ana. It's so nice to hear comments about other people's "four legged children." I feel as if we've joined a very special community of people -- one that I knew existed but hadn't experienced yet. This dog-lover's group is delightful and loving to other people as well as their pets!

  16. That hat and jacket, amazing! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you, Alison! Always enjoy visiting your blog.

  17. Now that's quite a patriotic outfit!!

    1. It does come in handy for events that are patriotic in nature. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. You are such an inspiration!! So dazzling & patriotic!

    Thanks for linking up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx

    1. Thanks, Lauren. Glad you offer "Style Sessions" each week; it's such a great linky party!

  19. Hooray for new friends. Your dog is beautiful (it's so wonderful to be loved by a dog). Yes, it would be hard to leave her when she's so new to the family (and so newly rescued). Too bad she can't go along. Oregon is so beautiful...I don't know what part you're thinking of, but we love love love the coast, and Central Oregon, and....well, it's a great destination.

    We recently adopted a puppy, breed not entirely known. She has changed our lives (no more sleeping in, ever...and I'm embarrassed to say but I'm an expert puppy butt watcher now)...but I am smitten. They are so good at loving back.

    Oh...yes, and I love how you tied it all together in your post. A very fun, patriotic outfit, a Liberty Bell dog...all around the fourth. Have a great weekend!

    Lynaea @

    1. Hi Lynaea, Thanks for dropping by. The Oregon plan was to spend some time in Portland where my friend lives and then go along the coast stopping in all of the little towns. I was so looking forward to it, but it's not cancelled, just postponed. Maybe when it's cooler, Liberty can come along for the ride.

      I know what you mean about how a new dog can change your life. I was just getting used to sleeping in and now I'm up earlier than ever -- the difference is, I want to get up for Libby and our daily walk. And I've met so many people...most everybody wants to pet Liberty and talk about their pets. So much fun!


  20. Thank you so so much for linking up again!! Love your dog and the bow too, so adorable!! I hope to see you next week in stripes. ; )

    1. Good to know that it's stripes next week -- helps me pick an outfit for Monday's post :)

  21. Replies
    1. Yup, amazing how that happened :)
