Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Kentucky Derby Party at The Phoenician

by Sheila

That's me with Blue - the Guest of Honor

The Run for the Roses is as good an excuse as any to dress up (a little over the top – hats are a must), hang out with your friends, and drink mint juleps in the afternoon.  We celebrated in style this year at the Derby Party at the Phoenician Resort in (where else?) Phoenix, Arizona.  The mint juleps were cold and refreshing, the Hot Browns and Shrimp with Cheesy Grits were delicious and you couldn’t beat the beautiful location at the foot of Camelback Mountain under the shady ficus trees at this magnificent resort. 

Beautiful day, great party!

We were lucky to include our good friends Ann & Pat, Heather & Tom, and two of our kids and their spouses, Alec & Cortney, and Liz & Travis.  We all had fun chatting and checking out all of the great fashion on display.  I got my fabulous hat from Heather at our swap party last week.  It was after I scored this great hat that I invited her to the Derby Party, but I did feel guilty and offered her hat back to her.  She assured me she had several other options (which I didn’t doubt for a minute!), so I got to wear her hat guilt free.  Ann borrowed a perfect bright pink hat and Heather had a beautiful two-toned straw hat.  My daughter Liz, borrowed my cream straw hat and added the “fascinator” that she created for the Royal Wedding party at Heather & Tom’s last year.  She is our creative family milliner, as she also made the hat that my daughter-in-law Cortney wore.  Cortney and Alec won “Best Dressed Derby Couple” and scored a two night stay at the Phoenician Resort! 

Travis & Liz
Pat & Ann
Tom & Heather
Cortney & Alec with Blue...

They weren’t the only lucky ones for the day – Ann’s horse Orb was the big winner, so she was going to cash in on the way home at the local OTB location.  My bookie, Steve, was taking care of this for me, as my horse Golden Soul placed second and we had him to “show”.  Yippee!  Thanks Steve…

The Phoenician - A Great Derby Party Venue!

We went to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville several years ago and it was great fun.  I hope this inspires you to celebrate the first Saturday in May next year and either seek out a party to go to, or create your own and invite your family and friends over.  Have a best hat contest and encourage people to bust out their fancy southern belle and dapper duds for the soirée.  The Run for the Roses is a fun way to celebrate the oldest continuous sporting event in the country on a beautiful day in the spring.  Go Secretariat!

Checking out the desserts...in style!

A good time was had by all - until next year...


  1. mint juleps, big hats? sounds like a perfect afternoon.


  2. Looks like lots of fun and a great reason to party!
