Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring Swap Party

by Sheila

Heather arriving with the goods!

Have you been cleaning out your closets and cupboards lately?  Are you looking for a little motivation, or even a deadline?  Maybe you should have a Swap Party!  A Swap Party is a fun way to get rid of stuff you don't want or need anymore, and maybe pick up a few "new to you" treasures.  Basically people bring their stuff they want to get rid of, and everyone shops the Party for free goods.  Items that are left over are donated to a local charity for sale.  Here's how we did it:

Send an e-mail to your friends and family well in advance explaining the event.  This is important, because it provides the motivation for them to start clearing out and saving their stuff to swap.  Suggest types of items to bring, such as clothing, shoes, accessories, purses, household items, decorator items, etc.  Our main focus is on clothing, but we bring of other stuff too.  This is good, because not everyone wears the same size clothing.  Accessories and purses work for everyone, and of course household stuff does too.

We group like clothing together - here are the pants & skirts on display ready to be snatched!

Set the date for the Swap and send another invitation.  We decided to encourage everyone to bring a guest, because we seem to have lots of stuff and are glad to have anyone take it who might have a need. 

So that the hostess doesn't have a lot of extra work or expense, we rotate who has it, and ask guests to bring a snack or a beverage to share.  We Swapped at 4 pm and had a fun Happy Hour while everyone shopped, chatted and enjoyed a glass of wine. It's fun to see people try on clothes and accessories!
I got a great hat from Heather - I'll need it for the Kentucky Derby Party this weekend - thanks, Heather!

I took photos, not just for this post, but so that I can think about all the "stuff" I was getting rid of before I purchase yet another (fill in the blank).  Our friend Edie keeps 100 hangars, and that's it.  when she brings something new home, she gets rid of something old.  I turn my hangars "backwards" on the rod when I switch out my closet each season.  If there are garments I haven't worn at the end of that season, I know it because the hangars haven't been turned around and I am ruthless about getting rid of those things.  My ultimate goal is to have only clothes I really love and wear without the excess to store, clean and paw through when I am getting dressed.
Ann's looking good in her new find!

So set your date and start clearing out your closets.  It's a fun way to motivate yourself to get rid of stuff, share with friends, and likely get a few new treasures in the process!

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