Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pack for Travel: Your Carry-On Bag (and More!)

by Sheila
Ready for a little Adventure?

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of organizing your stuff for a vacation get-away? Does packing your bags make you tired before you've even left home? I rarely check bags, so I like a carry-on tote to be large enough to accomodate my purse, so that I can slide it in and adhere to the "two carry-ons per person" rule.To simplify the process, here is my list of items to include in a carry on tote bag:
This is everything I include in my carry on tote bag

The chargers, meds, iPod, pen, notebook & critical meds in pill box
Reading material/entertainment & sunglasses & readers
I like a re-fillable water bottle and a few healthy snacks just in case
Phone, wallet-on-a-string, passport and travel docs in red folder
Toiletries (TSA approved) and small make-up bag

Purse (be sure to bag all liquids, i.e. lipstick, lotion, etc. in a small clear baggie) or,
ID/wallet (I bring a small wallet with a strap that can be a small purse)
Passport (if needed)
Frequent flyer card or number (if needed)
iPad/Pod?Music, headphones, jack for I-pod in car (for music or a book)
Sunglasses and/or reading glasses
Book/E-reader/Audible book (This is all on my iPad for simplicity)
Record locator for all reservations done on-line
Drink or upgrade coupons
Hotel info
Rental car info
Note: I like Trip-It, the free travel organizer app to keep all the above listed travel info in one place - check it out)
Notebook and pen (I am always wanting to make a note of something!)
Critical medication
Toiletries (if not checking bags - see previous post on Pack for Travel:  Toiletries & TSA)
A sweater and/or pashmina style wrap (airplanes can be cool)
A snack (fruit, nuts, etc., you can't count on your airline feeding you)
A plastic bottle for water (refill as you go) - don't bring it full through security - Busted!

You should have all the basics you'll need for your flight and arrival at your destination at your fingertips!

All packed neatly in the tote
Save your shoulder and use your wheeled suitcase to haul your carry on

Now for the clothing... My travel mantra goes like this:

Less is more. Rarely wear dressy clothes on vacation.  Fewer shoes are better.  Mix, match and layer.  Comfort and versatility are key.

I write all of my packing lists down and then, on my way home, I edit this list, eliminating things I didn't wear and adding items I wish I had brought. Over the years, I have created some great lists for a variety of trips, long and short, and different climates and activities.  See the following posts for more travel-related info:

Pack for Travel:  Toiletries & TSA, Travel Tips for the Holidays, Pack for Travel; Make Your Plan

Check back for more upcoming info on packing, including Weekend Getaways and A Two Week Sightseeing Tour
Have a great time!

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